
Solo Exhibitons
- 1986 Bowen Galleries, Wellington, New Zealand
- 1988 Bowen Galleries, Wellington, New Zealand
- 1990 Delia Grace Galleries, Wellington, New Zealand
- 1992 Brooker Gallery, Wellington, New Zealand
- 1993 Brooker Gallery, Wellington, New Zealand
- 1993 Islington Arts Factory, London
- 1994 Beatty Gallery, Sydney, Australia
- 1995 Beatty Gallery, Sydney, Australia
- 1995 Brooker Gallery, Wellington, New Zealand
- 1997 Brooker Gallery, Wellington, New Zealand
- 1997 This Thing About Paint, Cable St Gallery, London
- 1998 Brian Queenin Gallery, Wellington, New Zealand
- 2000 Bowen Galleries, Wellington, New Zealand
- 2002 Bowen Galleries, Wellington, New Zealand
- 2004 Bowen Galleries, Wellington, New Zealand
- 2006 Bowen Galleries, Wellington, New Zealand
- 2008 Bowen Galleries, Wellington, New Zealand
- 2011 Bowen Galleries, Wellington, New Zealand
- 2011-12 Still Here, Studio One Gallery, London
- 2012 Bowen Galleries, Wellington, New Zealand

Group Exhibitions
- 1985 Bowen Galleries, Wellington, New Zealand
- 1986 Bowen Galleries, Wellington, New Zealand
- 1987 Bowen Galleries, Wellington, New Zealand
- 1988 Goodman Suter Biennale, Nelson, New Zealand
- 1989 Brooker Gallery, Wellington, New Zealand
- 1991 South Bank Picture Show, Royal Festival Hall, London
- 1992 Brooker Gallery, Wellington, New Zealand
- 1992 Art For Sale [in conjunction with "The Guardian", London
- 1992 Beardsmore Gallery, London
- 1993 Brooker Gallery, Wellington, New Zealand
- 1993 X.O Gallery, London
- 1994 Brooker Gallery, Wellington, New Zealand
- 1994 Beatty Gallery, Sydney, Australia
- 1994 Wellington City Art Gallery, Wellington, New Zealand
- 1994 Beardsmore Gallery, London
- 1995 ART '95, London Beardsmore Gallery,
- 1995 London Royal Overseas League, London [winner of overseas prize]
- 1995 Brooker Gallery, Wellington, New Zealand
- 1996 Brooker Gallery, Wellington, New Zealand
- 1997 Brooker Gallery, Wellington, New Zealand
- 1999 Upstairs at the Clerk's House, London
- 1999 Idiom Gallery, Wellington, New Zealand
- 2000 Cable St Gallery, London
- 2000 Bowen Galleries, Wellington, New Zealand
- 2002 Bowen Galleries, Wellington, New Zealand
- 2003 Bowen Galleries, Wellington, New Zealand
- 2004 Bowen Galleries, Wellington, New Zealand
- 2007 Bowen Galleries, Wellington, New Zealand
- 2011 Bowen Galleries, Wellington, New Zealand
- 2014 Studio One Gallery, London